My roommies say that I look so drained and lackadaisical since I got home to the dorm this afternoon.
My moments of being quiet and all that is pretty much obvious simply because I'm naturally noisy and peppy. Anywoo, Glen and I went to the National Museum this morning to take a look at Juan Luna's famed Spoliarium. We were tasked to do a critique on the painting for our prelim paper in Literary Criticism to be passed tomorrow. We got there at around 11 in the a.m. and had an annoying moment with Manong Guard 'cause he said that the museum is closed today. Like, "No friggen' way, Kuya! The sign says it's open on Wednesdays to Sundays." It was not until I showed my irked face when he told us that he'll open it for us. K,Whatever.
We got our bags deposited in the package counter, DSLR included! Sadface! The lady there said that digicams are the only ones allowed to bring inside. Alright then, so we got inside the hall and saw the Spoliarivm! Ze Spo-li-ar-i-vum, yo! It was really a sight to behold and I really dunno if it's just me or what but as I was looking at the painting I felt a weird feeling- somewhere in the middle of amazement and dread. It was too picturesque to contain. I mean, as you can see how emotional (I'm using too much adjectives here, LOL!)the work is where the corpse of gladiators are being dragged into a shadowy area; the cruelty, sorrow and horror... everything, you can't be blamed if you'll be carried away. I say, genius!
In my reflection (yes, reflection),the story in this masterpiece is seen best in a wider perspective. I mean, you just have to literally step back to feel and understand everything. Eureka! I always apply this in real life: Always conclude after seeing the bigger picture.
Glen and I weren't able to stay longer (we so wished!) 'cause we have to be home by 3p.m., so off we go and rode our way to Rob Manila fo'lunch!
Btw, I forgot to tell you earlier that this is a special date with my long-time-no-date friend Glen. We seldom do this for the past few months due to some of life's dramas that came in the middle of our way. We only had this day for catching up and stuff. 'Nuff said with the emo-ness, okay?
For lunch, we had pizzaz and pazztaz in Sbarro. We missed this! We were so full after eating a slice of Chicago Deep Dish Pasta (mine), Chicago White (Glen's) and a half of the all-time-fave Baked Ziti, we had to take out our leftovers. LOL.
We kinda roamed around a bit before going home 'cause it's still past 1 in the p.m. Glen was super genki (hyper) when she was able to buy new bottles of nail lacquer at Skin Food! I refrained myself to buy too 'cause of my tight budget. Poor-ita mode ako lately eh. LOL.
It's 2:30p.m. when we decided to go home.
Yeah, I owe you some pics, I know. I'll post it here mebbe tomorrow.
Aright then, I'll be bouncing now to eat my leftover pasta and garlic bread and drink kegs of coffee.
I won't be getting any sleep tonight 'cause I still need to finish my critique and review for my prelim exam in Literary Criticism tomorrow! So help me, God. :-)
I'm not drained, I'm just... I don't know. Quiet? LOL. Labo.

Here's for you, Wednesday! You're still my favorite day!! :-)