Friday, October 29, 2010


The day went pretty good after a series of "reasonable delays" and stuff re: thesis at National Library, after the crazy rain-then-shine transition, after being trapped inside the serials section that smells like "dead newspapers" (Dead? Yeah!) and kiamoy. Wait, do you know what kiamoy is? If yes, then Congratulatioooons! If not, then where have you been? LOL.  Aryt, to whom this kiamoy info may concern, (Goodness I never thought I'd be talking about kiamoy here!)

Kiamoy, in Google definition:
 Dried preserved plums coated in salt, sugar, and licorice powder. Intensely salty and sweet and sour all at once. NIBBLE ONLY. DO NOT POP IN MOUTH WHOLE. The seeds are still in the plum, and the flavor is VERY intense. Great prank food. 

They are the orange ones you can see along the racks of sweet beans, peanuts, green peas and stuff in a candy store. If you've been to Aji Ichiban, then, you can see lots of kiamoys there. 

Okay, let's move on, shall we? 

Thesis Mate (Tim) and I decided to go and drink caffeine at Starbucks Adriatico before going home because we have to talk about the most vital things that took place in her life lately and how I've been wanting to tell her to ditch out her thoughts about suicide and all its friends! Yeah, too much about Plath and Palanhiuk. We talked like we haven't talked for months! LOL. But seriously, if we could just talk everyday without thinking of deadlines and school stuff, we will definitely do so. 

There we had the time to update each other of what took place yesterday especially with Tim and all I prayed for while she was recounting the story and up until now is that she finally finds her true happiness with God taking control of her life. She explained things really well an d I got the point why she's been such a cynic lately in terms of dealing with things. 

So when it was my turn to talk, I told her about a book I've been wanting to purchase since I read about its review last week. It's called The History of Love by Nicole Krauss. Thank heavens for the speedy wifi  that I got to tell her about its  summary and share my favorite quotes from the book. :-) She said she likes to have her own copy too and that made me happier. Just another kindred spirit, yes?

We left SB just a little later than the sunset and walked along the streets to Quirino. My mind was still attached with the topic about books so I suddenly blabbed:

Me: I want to "write" again. And I meant that in the sense of how these novels that I've read inspire me. Literature. Do you think if I've gone out from my comfort zone, if only I can go out to different places, I could write better? 
(Sometimes, I like asking rhetorical questions just to prove a point or fish out opinions.) 

Tim: Why of course! Your wide exposure to your surroundings define your way of writing. And of course, you just have to seek for a wider perspective. Talk about going outside yourself. You can't always ask your readers to fit in your shoes. It's the other way around, mostly. You sell books that way.

Me: I wish I'm that "exposed writer" that you're talking about. I've always wanted to write a book or something but my lack of acquaintance to the outer world bounds me. I know that's a bad reason and I don't want to be complacent about that. 

I want to write because I love writing and maybe that would be an enough reason to explain everything. 

Once upon a time, I used to write about "them". I wrote about the chronicles of their life and death, of their politics and social status, of their probities and immoralities, of their happiness and pain. But I wrote them all for the dailies, for requirement's sake, for training. I barely wrote about them with my own judgments because my job was to narrate the story as is. But as my literary inspirations grow, so is my desire to write and have my own say about these people and their lives and put them in paperbacks.

Yes, I started talking about going to the library and how I hate to be there because of the smell. 

But over and above all, it was just another Friday full of thoughts. 


I won't be naming real names. And try your best not to figure out who they are 'cause chances are, you know them obviously. LOL. Labo. 

I mean nothing sleazy about this. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Stark once said he can fly after testing the suit's capabilities. 
Then, Sir, I have to tell you this: You're flight is my desire. 

Monday, October 25, 2010


May I be that "doubleshot" that you got
lest I be not;
When I always get in the way of your slumber 
and wakefulness
I come fully or it will lead to emptiness.


Saturday, October 23, 2010


Me: You might be Autumn. Just because.
Stark: Move on, Potts. there's more to life than vertical doors.


I was just talking about cosmic significance and Autumn seconds ago when I opened my Tumblr and saw this in the front-liner:

You know what I mean? 
And I tell you, it is more than just a cosmic significance. I can feel Autumn.

Friday, October 22, 2010


IKR, today is not my birthday anymore. But I have to get this thing on, okay? :-)

I slept shortly before midnight yesterday. I failed to stay up till the 21st concludes. But as drowsiness crept into my system, my mind was hanging with the thought that some particular people might forget about my birthday. That's a normal feeling, right? 

Well anyways, as I woke up early today, I was so touched that the ones I've been waiting for left me something in my inbox and that includes my best friend of 7 years! She was the second to the last to greet. :-) JSYK, we've been going through tough times for months now and I was indeed slightly disintegrating last night while waiting for her message. Yes, she was the one I was talking about on the previous post. But the last slot goes to my baby cake, Dai. She never fails to be the sweetest! At 23:57, she greeted me a happy birthday and I have to congratulate and thank her BIG time for that! 

You know how special a last dance is? That's when you try get to hold on tight just to feel how grand it is. 

What a way to start the day.


I just hope you didn't forget about this day, Jai

/EDIT I got your 23:47 greeting! And that's a reliever. 


No mission is quite impossible.

As part of my birthday enthusiasm, I dared my friend Jilly to get me a foto (not paparazzi-ish, ok?)of my crush-from-last-year and she can only do it within the 3-day Inkblots seminar (October 18-20) in UST. My friend was a staff there so she can get an easier access to the dude. LOL. And another thing is that I missed the event simply because Varsitarian (the organization who supports the annual writing seminar) ran out of slots by the time me and my friends tried to get in. So to compensate with that sad truth, there went the dare. I was so serious about it, seriously. LOL.

Btw, the dude's name is Von (IDK what his last name is, but anyways...). He studies at San Beda Alabang, mohawk, and I think he likes to wear Von Dutch shirts 'cause I've seen him mostly wearing that brand. Funny thing is, after last year's Inkblots, I didn't get to see him anymore. Not even around my net searches or whatever but not until last month when I stumbled upon this Bedan girl's Tumblr page and got linked to his fotos! I was so ecstatic that i even blabbed about it with my close friends. Silly. 

And the day of the dare has come. And a foto or fotos must be taken and sent to me on my birthday as a gift. LOL.


I got an SMS this morning: 

"Happy birthday, Kaki! I have a gift for you! :-)"- Jilly


So I got the fotos in my files right now (won't post it here. Ayoko nga.) and am so giddy as shz. Okay lang kahit di na siya mohawk. :-p 

Jilly made it, and also, with the help of my friend Frauie. Dagnabbit, I sound like a retard experiencing a heartburn!! HAHAHAHA! 

"He said hi and happy birthday, by the way.

So, happy birthday!! c:"

F na F ko, teh. :-) Parang high school lang. 


So I woke up this morning and immediately checked on my phone...
Duckface, please!? :-))
and got surprised with greetings from a lot of people!

And I was like...

"Waaaaahh! Andameeeee!

THANK YOU SO MUCH to all the dudes and dudettes who greeted from 00:00 till now!! And those who had sent me gifts as well! :-D

And to those who greeted me in Facebook, I already saw your 'something' on my wall and posted a reply to all (of how much I wanted to respond to each and everyone of you, I can't /sadface) using my mom's account 'cause I still can't open mine. Okeh? ;-) 

I intended not to do a vlog out of this but I already have saved a file. Anyways...

Love Always, 

Thursday, October 21, 2010


"You don’t believe that a woman could enjoy being free and independent?"

You prolly know who said this in her own opinionated way of discussing things such as getting hooked.

Yup, it's Summer Finn (Zooey Deschanel ) in 500DofS-- one of my most-played movies of all time (been watching it for the 44th time and counting. I already had memorized everything in the film. LOL).

So coincidentally, right after I transferred the movie to my iPod, my friend Tini suddenly beeped me from out of the blue:

Tini: Just realized you and Zooey are so alike. Hehee. I miss you <3 Hope you're doin awzum.:D

Me: Zooey? :-) How come? Haha! :-) Imy!

Tini: Lol,yea... Ehh, la lang. Pretty, musically-inclined, own perceptions, own world. Lolz. Sad in a way but still fun and perky. Like a black canvass with so many rainbow dots. Ahehehehe.

Me: "Color my life with the chaos of trouble."- Belle and Sebastian. :-) Quoted in the movie 500 Days of Summer. Wee, really? :-) I never thought someone will associate me with her. She's one of the ladies that I really love. :-) 

Tom: Nobody loves Ringo Starr
Summer: That's what I love about him. 


"Kumain ka kasi ng gulay at iwasan mo ang magpuyat para hindi bumaba resistensya mo."

I would always hear those words from people everytime I get sick.

Yesterday, I was suffering from an upset stomach. I would suspect that I got it from the pizza and pasta that I ate last Monday night at Sbarro. Just so you know, I have a very weak stomach that is why, most of the time, I would always end up not eating much or avoiding lots of food just to prevent the suffering. Included in my medical history, aside from being born with a weak liver and premature, I also have amoebiasis. That is why, my mother would always check on the food I eat. 

I also have this attitude of not eating the same food that had caused the upset anymore (for the rest of my life). One concrete example is: crab. When I was younger, I got trouble after eating this crustacean that I still can remember how it was like to cringe to death because of the pain. And that was the same pain I felt yesterday morning till late afternoon that I even have to call mom from work and ask her to be home. /sigh  So, goodbye Baked Ziti and Chicago White? Call me weird. 

Yesternight, while I'm still on the cycle of throwing out and you-know-what, I am also agonizing with high fever and before going back to sleep (I just slept all day, BTW), I thank God that it went down to 38C. 

All I can see around me now are medicines of all kinds, soda crackers, lugaw, fruits and jugs of water. 
For a month, how can you be so sick twice in a row? 

Mebbe this is another thing that I wish for my birthday: that I learn how to eat healthy. Eating veggies may require lots of effort on my part ('cos I'm just used to drinking mixed veggie juice and taking vegetable supplements).

Ugh, this sick freak that I am.


And for the second time around, you make me laugh. Srsly.

Dear Young Lady (mebbe we should address each other this way till we "directly" talk. Yes?),

Aye, you were the one I was talking about on my post dated on "your day".

I just have to tell you up-front that I don't have my Y!M account anymore /sadface. Due to some disastrous history, I permanently have it deactivated. Well anyways, I still have your email address. So if you're still using it, mebbe I should leave you something there. Or I'm still on Skype, so that's another way. Wherever. Okeh? :-) 

Yup, we can be friends, that'd be kewl. And yup, just because we're both awesome and all that. LOL. 


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I believe that in time my heart will heal again
and I believe that in time my heart will feel again
so I keep on holding on
so I keep on being strong

Cos I know one day I'm gonna feel again
I know one day i'm gonna feel again
and I know although my heart hurts now
I'll find a way to get up off the ground
cos I know one day I'm gonna feel again

I believe that this heart of mine can make it through
and I believe that my heart can make it over you
so I keep on holding on 

so I keep on being strong 
                                                     -- Feel Again, Taio Cruz


... that you'll gonna make my day with your upright post? 

So I am friggen early to roam around the comforts of the intarweb not to mention that I only had 2 hours of sleep since I tried to stay up for 2 reasons: First, because I had to coordinate with our layout artist for today's submission of our Filipino Journalism final requirement, give the necessary guidelines, fillers, and other finishing touches for the tabloid (No judgments. It is 101% wholesome! LOL) and second, simply because I talked with someone who's 12 hours behind PH time. Both reasons must be accepted simply because. LOL! So anyways, my lack of sleep isn't the issue here (I was a bit sidetracked, sorry). So...

I usually spend 70% of my time reading blogs over the web when I get the luxury of time to do so (meaning, not when I have to work for a school-related stuff/requirement). So what happened earlier was, I got lost to this lady's profile and have read the most seamless post that made my morning and left me saying amen to that. To conceal her identity and the one she's talking about in that post, I won't be blabbing it in here. But seriously, it was hella funny! (Are you annoyed when I said that I don't wanna blab it here? :-p)

Well anyways, I would just like to thank you, woman, for speaking also in my behalf (though you're unconscious about me thanking you right now) with regards to what I feel towards that person you were talking about. And I can fully agree to what you said most especially on that thing "for the record." I know we're not close, you even once wished me to vanish, right? You didn't even want to see me on those corridors. Neither did I, but it can't be helped during those times. Okay, this issue betwixt us was so last year that I even have to thank you right now. For this. For the guts to tell the world about the dude. iLaff! :-)) And oh, I'm so right on time for addressing this thing to you. Hoho. 

And to you, Very Dude, I wish you all the best. ;-)  

Okay now, time to bounce, I have to prep-up and head to school to beat the 5p.m. deadline for the said requirement. 
See ya! ;-)  

Monday, October 18, 2010


Oh hai! :-) 


Barkada shot with Frau and Dana

Yessir, we play them ferreal! And look at the black-haired Misa of Death Note (Dana)!  ;-)

We all have something in common. At dyan galing ang powers namin. Guess what! :-)) Hints: 'pag di kayo umayos, dito namin kayo iuumpog! They go in three juicy pairs! 

Siret?! :-p

Sunday, October 17, 2010


This goes to my graduation creative shot

I was never a fan of yellow 'til this. I may not look appropriate for the foto, just because. LOL! But anyways, I tried to be girly there with all 'em flowers. And to tell you, that headdress hurtsssss! So heavy! :-/ Hahah!!


That said, deciding to avoid other people does not necessarily equate with having no desire whatsoever for company; it may simply reflect a dissatisfaction with what—or who—is available. Cynics are, in the end, only idealists with awkwardly high standards. In Chamfort's words, 'It is sometimes said of a man who lives alone that he does not like society. This is like saying of a man that he does not like going for walks because he is not fond of walking at night in the forêt de Bondy.

 Alain de Botton (Status Anxiety)

Friday, October 15, 2010


If I only have one great wish for my birthday(which will be 6 days from now), it would be Detachment.

Please don't get me wrong. It's just that there are lots of things (on particular things mostly from the past) that I want to leave behind as soon as possible, just before I turn 20.

So there goes the deadline.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Long Distance Call (Pheonix Cover) by Paramore

"I'm far gone but your long distance call And your capital letters keep me asking for more.

It's never been like that."

Thanks for that jump start, Ohio. :-) 

Saturday, October 9, 2010


And here I go, killing Father Time, net loitering and watching America's Next Top Model while waiting for my breakfast. Dad said he'll buy me JolliSpaghetti because nobody can cook pancakes for now. /sadface Mom left early for her thesis stuff in UP-D, Dad prepped up early for work and the brothers are just too busy with their Saturday activities. And yeah, me too..

I have to travel my way from Cavite to UST just to hand our grading slip to our thesis adviser. Just that and I'm done. I am so hoping to see Sir Ipe the moment I stepped in the V office today. Lord, please?

And I'm also looking forward to go to the mall today. I hope Daddy can go off from work early so we can have time to do that.

Friday, October 8, 2010


You know what happens when we talk.


wiff Frauie!
Me, Jem, Bel, DJ, and Tini

This is one of my favorite shots. LOL!


fotos from October 06, 2010Title of the program: Bantay Bayan
Location: Varsitarian Office (as newsroom)
Yes, these are the same people from our Sports Journalism production with additional people from our section, too. And this time, we all "volted in" to do our final requirement for our Broadcast Journalism class to be passed on October 14 (actually, this was due on the 7th but unfortunately, we had some problems with the editing so we asked for an extension). This is a grace-under-pressure project, guys, and you bet, we all did well as news anchors and video editors! LOL.
One foto must not be included there. Haha!


fotos from October 5, 2010
with JC and Bia

Last Tuesday, I decided to go to school to spend some quality time with my Sports Journ mates. Funny that before the day ended, Bia and I were asked to host the show (which wasn't in the original plan). Anyways, it was super fun as we were all genki and kickin'!


Title of the program: Fastbreak
Location: Varsitarian office

These photos were taken from the Fastbreak set. As a final requirement for our Sports Journalism class, Ma'am Cielo asked us to produce a sports program. It was a fun-filled experience as we all enjoyed through the process. I was part of the production team (in-charged with the music and news feed and became a host too! Haha!) and it was indeed a pleasure to work with these bunch of crazy people. All of them are my closest friends so I didn't get a hard time working and cramming with them. LOL!

We would like to thank our sponsors: Adidas and Puma (Char!!) :-))

Fastbreak was viewed during our Broadcast Journalism class yesterday.