Saturday, July 2, 2011


*"What is your cause for hope?" 

And I will speak with the presence of hope that is within me.

Somebody asked me the other day if I had become hopeless because I still don't have a job, to which I answered,
"I'm not. Hopelessness just means slamming the door in the face of God. For now, I'm doing my part of searching and praying. It will come. And it will come on time."

Hope, for countless times, has been the fuel of my being-- 
the wellspring of my faith, confidence, optimism, courage and the many other beautiful things in this life. 
Hope, they say, is one thing that you can't live without--
a weapon against this morally suicidal world. 
Hope, the idea of it, gives radiance to everything--
the reveille of every sleeping/dying soul.

I believe that God  stays true to His promises. Why? Because He says so.

"For I know the plans that I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11, my life verse)

My dear, it may seem like God has been silent on your case for such a long time now-- jobless? Helpless? Screwed up? 

Well, it might be rough and tough, but you better hang on. God may be incredibly silent on you, but it doesn't mean that He has completely forgotten about your dreams and desires.
He's there, working through every fiber of your plea. 

I believe that He has something in store for us.   

So never, never, never give up on hope.

*Looking for Alaska, John Green

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