Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I've never been the one who's up-to-date with books. What I mean to say is that, it is unusual for me to get a newly released book that's still hot on the tracks. Unless if it's a tray of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Ha!

As far as I know, Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games (first book of the trilogy) was released on the year 2008 and I was never aware of it since last August *kill me now* when Mockingjay (third book) became the talk of the town. 

I've read a lot of good reviews about the book and how the story interests me. 

So after all those Googling and stuff, I decided to get myself a copy this morning before going to National Lib for thesis and even asked one of my friends to buy his own (on this same day LOL) so that we can both read the series and race till Mockingjay. 

And this is my lunch:

The Tuna Thing from BreadTalk (I forgot the name, sarreh. I skipped Floss today LOL);
Oishi Smart C+ Pomelo ;
the new buddy next to Chbosky's (which I finished reading last week)
and what made me the happiest is Hall and Oates's You Make My Dreams (from 500 DoF OST) that was played

One good way to feed your appetite ;-)

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